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In, out shake E.U. about...

This week’s ‘read aloud passage’ has Bobby meeting up with his underworld connections. It’s a world he knows and it’s one that knows him. The underworld players accept him. Well they seem to. Of course they might just have other motives… but that’s for later.

But Bobby doesn't belong. And deep down of course he knows that.

We've, most of us, experienced and operated in, a number of different social situations. But we don’t belong in them all. Some are not really us.

In the upcoming referendum I will be voting to stay in. In our own Scottish referendum I wanted out. Some places you belong and others you don’t.

But the reputation of the E.U. isn't doing too well today. I was never sure what to make of the old taunt about it being a rich businessmen’s club. I did think that perhaps all the other factors such as being connected and working together more than made up for any sense of unease. And of course the issue of ‘peace’ in Europe was never to be taken for granted. The E.U., I thought, must be a good thing.

Now I'm not so sure. They bottled it with Greece. Instead of helping Greece with a credible plan for her economy they just organised more debt for her.

Then the piecemeal, inadequate response to the Syrian refugee crisis has blown, for me, the credibility of the E.U. forever. If ever there was a time for an organisation to shine and impress the world this was it. They haven’t got a clue. No heart and they couldn't organise a trip to the toilet.

I'm sure there is a huge amount of very good work going on. But it’s not on the scale I would have imagined. If the E.U. has a lack of ambition to do really good great things what use is it? They could have the refugees building and manning new cities for themselves, using their skills from construction to social care, thus making any money spent by the E.U. an investment in both humanitarianism and economic growth. But perhaps austerity is too dear to Brussels?

I first began to feel real dismay with the E.U. during our own Scottish referendum. They are guilty of terrible passive aggression and negligence. When our referendum was on, it should have been made clear by E.U. spokespeople that, of course, we would remain ‘in’, should we vote to be independent. It’s simple.

We are already a separate country from rUK. We have different courts and a different form of law. It is through these that we govern with E.U directives. So Scotland is already a separate, albeit not independent, country full of E.U citizens already represented by ‘Scottish’ MEPs. We have been fully E.U compliant for over 40 years.

There is actually no case that we would have been ‘out’. But in keeping with project fear E.U politicians and officials said nothing of this. That was dishonourable. It changed the way I thought about the E.U even before they abdicated their real legitimacy over Greece and Syria.

So why, I hear you scream, will I be voting to stay? Well clearly it’s not for love. Although I do of course love the actual European countries. But then I love England, Wales and NI too, and that didn't stop my desire to abandon our bonds of governance with them in the last referendum. You can love and respect a people and a nation without wanting to be thirled to their political processes.

Also, when I heard David Milliband, making the case to stay, his empty threatening rhetoric sounded warning bells. If that’s what he wants there must be something very bad going on. Then when I reflect that this is what Cameron wants too…well, then I know that something stinks. But look at the remain side.

Loonies each and every one; Gove, IDS, Boris, Galloway etc…Good grief! That trumps even Cameron and Milliband! (see what I did there).

So that’s why to stay. Here’s my analogy. It’s a bit like you’re living in a flat with a bully and some other people. The other folks inadvertently monitor the bully situation. And because of that shared presence, you get far fewer hidings from the bully. The other folk are in, out and about the house. They act as a collective witness to social norms.

Then, the flat over the landing comes up for rent. So the bully suggests that just the two of you move out and over there. A chance to do your own thing.

If we think about the values of those who head the leave campaign do we want to get closer to them? What happens to us when the loony right gain unfettered control? How will they exercise their new freedom from the E.U?

They’ll be celebrating by doing what they want with your rights, with your work and social conditions.

Er…no thanks.

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