Launch Day!
Well this is very exciting. Launch day cometh!
We decided to do this just over a fortnight ago and Andy Lees has broken all records in putting together the actual and virtual technical bits of our publishing campaign! This campaign has been pressed into action and learned on the hoof.
After the somewhat isolating business of writing a novel (I’m actually currently writing the next one) it has been an unexpected joy to be working with a collaborator on the publishing. Not only has it been a joy, but it has been satisfying and indeed very effective. Without the collaboration with Andy, ‘Bricks’ would still be sitting as a word document on the hard drive of my computer.
I always suspected that the business part of being a writer was not suited to the same solo part of my temperament that the actual writing comes from. But with a technical director prompting me for a bio, blogs, a synopsis and other bits came blurting out. We have both provided cityscape photographs and Andy was tasked with creating my bio portrait. But more than that he has also created this website, and accounts on Facebook and Twitter as well as managing the actual upload and the details of the Kindle/Amazon account.
Without all this ‘Bricks’ would not be happening. We have a plan to keep things coming via all these internet channels and it will be very interesting to see where we are in – say- a year’s time. So thank you all, our friends and well-wishers for all your support, interest and attention. You are also absolutely vital to this process and we’d get nowhere without you.
Please buy the book if you feel you can and let us know what you think. All feedback is welcome. Especially if you find any anomalies in the text. They shouldn’t be there and, if there are any, your help in smoothing them out would be most appreciated.
So thanks to everyone and keep watching these spaces and keep in touch! Cheers!